This single PCB contains 60 of the most popular classic arcade games ever! The 60-in-1 Multicade JAMMA PCB's are the original 60-in-1 hardware, not an unreliable knock-off with a high fail rate! Each game has its original dip switches, which are adjusted through the built-in software menu. Another great feature is 'High Score' save, which will save the top score...even after the power is turned off! This is a brand new board, which I have thoroughly inspected and tested to ensure it is 100% functioning. The newest and best improvement of the 60-in-1 iCade PCB is the ability to now use a trackball and play Millipede/Centipede as they were meant to be played!
Features: Universal JAMMA Connector. User Friendly Game Selection Screen. Free Play or Quarter/Token Option. New High Score Saver. Supports CGA (standard resolution) and VGA (high resolution) Monitors. Supports Upright and Cocktail Cabinets (screen will automatically flip for second player). Supports Dual Trackball and/or Joystick Controls. Each Game Is Fully Customizable (Difficulty, Game Speed, Number of Lives, etc). Enable/Disable Specific Games. Standard JAMMA video output or VGA output (hook PC monitor up directly). Uses standard arcade power supply or AT PC power supply (with standard 4-pin molex connector, the same used for hard drives/cd rom drives).